About Us
For Creators By Creators. Our creative strength is backed up by our collective muscle.
Promoting Equality, Equity and Diversity.
All our initiatives are designed to
redress the imbalances and inequities that exist today, in order to promote equal opportunities
for all to thrive.
Our initiatives include Arts Awards, Scholarships, Performances,
Equitable Exhibition Platforms, Education, Mentorships, Collaborative Projects with other
non-profits in the Arts, Co-producing/Collaborating in Arts Festivals/Expos/Summits/Panels,
Advocacy - contributing to White Papers/Copyright Office advisory panels/attending GRAMMYs on
the Hill, New Tech Development through advocacy and consultancy.
Hollywood Elite Music & Media is a 501c3 not for profit organization registered in the state of
We have no share holders and no investors so all profits go to the creative
Our Music division aggregates some of the finest composers and artists in the world advocating
on their behalf to raise awareness to issues affecting IP. Connecting creators directly to those
wishing to license their catalogues.
We are a hub where you can find creatives in music from Lawyers, Engineers, Copyists, Managers,
PR specialists, Editors and Music Supervisors to Composers, Artists, Producers, and Musicians;
our goal is to create a network of high quality professionals.
Our Film division strives to make movies that move people. That which is man-made, can be
changed by mankind.
Hollywood Elite Mission Statement: 501c3 Articles of Incorporations, specific purposes - "Protecting Intellectual Property"
- To work in support of creators of IP and provide a fertile level playing field for all to
- To provide equitable performance and exhibition platforms to bring diversity in all art forms
to diverse audiences.
- To serve and protect the rights of copyright holders and creative content providers.
- To educate about the value of copyright and creative content providers.
- To advocate to governments around the world to pass laws that better protect the creative
communities and provide fair compensation for their endeavors.
- To help create a revolutionary new system within the Internet for licensing music, art and
entertainment that is transparent and accountable.
- To help create streaming services that are transparent and accountable enabling them to
equitably provide fair compensation to the content providers.
- To subsidize concerts and live performances to provide more performers and their affiliates
with more revenue.
- To subsidize more underrepresented creators to serve diverse audiences.
- We have no investors or share holders. Our board of directors is dedicated to making sure ALL
profits benefit creative industries.
- To provide grants and awards to inspire and nurture those in the creative industries.
We look forward to working with you and for you, and together creating a tomorrow where
creative people can thrive and sustain themselves through the undeniable power of
their work.
Warmest Regards,
Hélène Muddiman
CEO / Founder
"By not supporting creators' right to be paid for their work the door is open to the injustices
of abuse"
"We are not after a bigger share of the existing pie, we want to make a new pie, that is big
enough for all of us."
"Before you fear change ask yourself 'who is benefiting from the status quo?' Then ask 'who is
telling you to fear change?'"
"If you can not imagine a better future, support those who can"
"Skepticism and cynicism are the biggest obstacles to change"
"The Internet has great potential, but it is has to change, we want to make a 'SUPERNET' where
everyone has security and the opportunity to thrive based on the merit of their work, but first
we have to level the playing field."
"The status quo is never the best for the future, assuming it was ever the best. Armies
resistant to change are formidable, but not impossible to defeat"
"It's amazing how quickly some come to accept the unacceptable without questioning the morality
and ethics of the situation"
"People believe change is necessary but only when people believe it is possible will it become a
"The injustice of the safe harbour laws must be amended, every day we allow safe harbour laws to
exist in their present form IP is under threat.
"Before you can be brave enough to change you have to fear what will happen if you do not
"Who says people won't pay for music anymore? Of course they won't if they can not get it for
free... all the evidence points to the fact when we have to pay fot it, because it is not
available on Spotify or youTube, we do pay for it!"
"Paying people give's them time to pursue that which you pay them to do, by not paying people to
create you give them more time to destroy."
"We can not wait to be given back our rights, we must take them!"
"If you want people to hear you, you must speak up'
"The more people who say no to the unacceptable, the louder the squeaky wheel sounds and the
more likely it is to get the oil."
"Do nothing is not an option"
"Life is a reflection of ourselves. If all we feel is hopelessness... it will be so."
"A realist can be someone who is not able to imagine how good things could be or someone who is
not able to trust humanity to be moral and just?"
"An optimist can be someone who can imagine a better world, someone who trusts that most humans
are inherently morally decent"
"What we are told about how impossible it is to stop abuse on the Internet is the reason it has
to change"
"History repeats itself, every revolution, whether it be the printing press or Television or
Radio did not rely on physical prevention of theft, but more the moral enlightenment that theft
was not acceptable."
"When we forget what is was like to have security, privacy and value in all things... this is
the beginning of the end'
"Those who can do, those who can't teach and those who can't teach think your IP should be free"
"To hope is to plan, hopelessness leaves the planning to others who don't have your best
interests at heart."
"When the machines drive the cars, make the food, write the music.... all we have is our IP and
our data that programs the machines, we need to value that human input and not have it given
away for free by the GAFAs"
Our Sponsors:

Standing Sun Wine
Standing Sun Wines focus on Rhone variety wines, handcrafted in small lots from some of Santa Ynez Valley's premiere vineyards. The fruit is sourced as vineyard specific varieties, each with its own characteristics and diversity. The resulting wines are pure, unmanipulated wines in the true sense of wine making... take a great vineyard, pick great fruit, and simply make great juice.

Kind Snacks
From the healthy snacks and foods we make, to our commitment to social entrepreneurship with impact, our focus is on making the world a little kinder, one act at a time (no arm-twisting here, promise). Our message of holistic kindness has been the foundation of KIND since day one, and continues each time we create a new snack or introduce a new social initiative. One simple, foundational belief underpins it all: There's more to business than just profit. It's why we started the KIND Movement, why we believe the easier we make it for our community to surprise others with unexpected acts of kindness, the kinder our world will become. Big act or small, we encourage it - from writing a letter to someone who inspired you to planting thousands of trees to simply taking the time to say "thank you."
Board of Directors:
Hélène Muddiman
Chief Executive Officer/Founder
Multi Award-Winning Composer,
Hit Songwriter, Producer, Engineer, Published poet, Publisher & Record Company CEO
Hit Songwriter, Producer, Engineer, Published poet, Publisher & Record Company CEO
Kim Appleby
Advisory Board Member
Artist and Ivor Novello Nominated Songwriter
BASCA Songwriter Executive Committee on (SEC) and Ivor Novello Awards Committee member
BASCA Songwriter Executive Committee on (SEC) and Ivor Novello Awards Committee member
Cathi Black
Advisory Board Member
Music Supervisor
Our dear Cathi passed away on March 18th 2018 aged only 54. We are devastated, shocked and saddened. She was the most wonderful person, so full of fun, love and a bright ball of happiness in our lives. We still hear her in our hearts cheering us on. We thank her for all her generous support over the years and her beautiful, passionate and vibrant personality. She was an absolute gem. Thank you Cathi, we miss you xox
Our dear Cathi passed away on March 18th 2018 aged only 54. We are devastated, shocked and saddened. She was the most wonderful person, so full of fun, love and a bright ball of happiness in our lives. We still hear her in our hearts cheering us on. We thank her for all her generous support over the years and her beautiful, passionate and vibrant personality. She was an absolute gem. Thank you Cathi, we miss you xox
Kelsi Taglang
Chief Brand Ambassador/Event Specialist
Talent Development Supervisor, NETFLIX,
X Walt Disney Animation Studios
X Walt Disney Animation Studios
James Joseph
Advisory Board Member
Manager of Julian Joseph
Nina Simone, Omar, Mica Paris and
The Team:
A charity dedicated to creating a climate in
which the arts and humanities may flourish.
Let's nurture and sustain intellectual