If not you, then who?
If not now, then when?
If you like Music, art, books, entertainment, design, or any of the many things that involve IP, please don't wait for somebody to do something, everybody should do everything they can to affect a change, to protect those who create intellectual property and the many more who rely upon them for their livelihoods. Don't let skepticism and cynicism poison your mind. Let hope, good morals and justice give you the strength to do what is right. No matter how difficult or impossible it may seem. It is better to try and to fail than never to try. Do nothing and nothing gets done. At best this keeps the status quo, at worst it provides a breading ground with no resistance to even more exploitation. Do something and something good could happen. At worst this keeps the status quo, as discussed, at best an improvement is possible. YOU can make a difference, anything that is man made can be changed by mankind.